Chapter III - Preliminary trial's conclusion and commitment for trial
After 409 detention days, the apotheosis, on 15 May 2002, the
adjournment commitment for trial had been issued as follows:
- recycling, fraud, and receiving
Reduced everything to:
- RECYCLING; declaring:
dismiss the case
for others.
Several readings were necessary, and I understood the purpose, from the 14
pages emerged a sense of rancour and fury far from juridical ethical sense.
He started from indictment, without any proof, considering it as if it was
appurtenance. He concentrated only on the calumnious sense with arrogance,
mentioning groundless facts and events. They were simple ideological
falsehoods, truth manipulation of the facts and documents, they were only
great mistakes and the demonstration that acts hadn’t been read. Looking for
accusing proof, it’s easy to understand that from the refusal action dated
16 January 2002, he declared that the inquiry was going to be closed.
Later, when the detention act was renewed on 31 January 2002, the dossier
was going to be closed in the following hours, and it was repeated through
another action on 29 March 2002, and after four months the commitment for
trial was reached. From the last interrogatory on 5 October 2001, inquiry
was stagnant at suppositions. Later a lot of elements emerged, but his
purpose was to underline the image of a person who belonged to the Italian
Mafia! This was really this judge’s obsession about Italians.
In fact it was important for him to point out the presence of criminal
records to underline much more the doubtful ethic. During the
proceeding of commitment for trial, all mentioned facts were full of great
Regarding MINNIE S.c.i., bad faith and manipulation of
documents emerged. The concrete documental truth of the company hadn’t been
considered; after inquiry, he “discovers” that this company had been
founded in favour of Mr. Luigi ARDINO and that subscription fees had been
held by a certain Mr. Gaetano SANGIORGI; all of them were people of doubtful
ethics. Reading the formal registered act , it emerges that the members are
Mr. And Mrs.CUTINI and Mrs. Andrée BURINI FROLLA,
in any official act of the company the
mentioned names appear, totally unknown even professionally.
Mr. And Mrs. CUTINI, introduced by lawyer Renato ALBERTI in San Remo, asked
for legal advice to resolve a company problem about a false assembly
organized by the manager who was in charge; consequently the handwritten
assembly, all acts changes had been made by the Notary AUREGLIA, and through
legal proceedings at the Court in Monaco, defended by lawyer D. ESCAUT.; the
company won such trial and was given back to its lawful owners, Mr. And Mrs.
2) Dr. Giampiero CATONE , who was a
business consultant in Rome and who taught Economy at the University PIO V
in Rome , was chief Secretary for Minister Rocco BUTTIGLIONE, asked for
legal advice to create some companies according to English rules : the
precise purpose of such holdings was to buy subscription fees of Italian
companies, to handle some properties in Italy, specialized in import/export;
the only purpose was to reduce the burden of taxation. Everything had to
happened through precise planning and paying the due taxes. About his
activity, from company documentation, it clearly emerged that such
transaction was legal ; it must be pointed out that DENICRAFT Ltd and
DEMEAN Ltd had never been in trade and never invoiced. They obtained only
fees from Italian S.r.l companies, as they were holding. The handled
companies weren’t forty; it was another manipulation of the facts and
statements which were disproved in the rogatory, taken by Italian reporters
who didn’t verify facts and details.
Lobbying for BINGO, the classic transaction in cooperation with Italian
entrepreneurs, who were introduced to me by accountant Fausto Magnarelli in
Rome. A company should have been constituted to handle the BINGO game,
defined by the all-knowing judge as an ill-defined business, which was
without any logic. According to such declarations he showed his ignorance of
the system known as “rope” used in the companies, even if such system
was legally and normally used internationally.
Company TAILLEUR Industrie, according to the credit transfer made at the
Banca del Gottardo in favour of IF Fiduciary Ltd. It was declared to SICCFIN
the fraud attempt against the TAILLEUR Industrie. Such assiduity WAS NOT
for everybody. After verifying the rogatory in Paris,it emerged that the
false credit transfer order was in favour of the Fiduciary Ltd account n.
24369 on 29 December 1999 ; for pure “ illogical ” intuition, the above
mentioned transfer had been charged to the IF FIDUCIARY Ltd n. 16322. From
the rogatory documents it emerged that there was not any relationship
between the TAILLEUR Industrie and the IF FIDUCIARY Ltd. It had been
mentioned without any relation to the event.
Relationship with Alain DEVERINI. He had only been a client of the Cabinet.
After having searched for him many times to settle his balance situation,
any business consultant activity had been closed ; only later I knew about
the events which took place in Vienne, and the rogatory, showing once again
that I was not involved in any affair.
Relationships with Daniele BIZZOZERO,an Italian entrepreneur who worked in
the car trade, introduced by Dr. Fiorenzo SQUARCIAFICHI, consultant in
Ventimiglia and representative Consul at the Principality of Monaco in
Italy. He had been given legal advice to create an import/export car company
according to English law system. There had never been any problems in the
course of his activity; in fact he was a normal client.
According to the main, but not exhaustive points , it seemed to be a real
eristic treatise, even taking all Verbal Trials for granted, all transformed
by the Police Inspector G. Tiberti. Even in the presence of documentation
about the English, Irish companies and others, Tiberti made declarations
which were really ridiculous : the omission of the clients; the proof of the
obsession that I knew Mario Testa; the mysterious investigations which
omitted to mention all connected banks, to show all proof elements through
manipulation and/or omission, the various interpretations of documents
without any correlation with reality.
It’s easy to recognize the sybaritic individualism moved by envy, light
echoes of mad puritanism against “rich people”, over condemnations and pains
caused by those who think they represent justice, the light touch of
malignity to cause suffering without any reason. I’d like to underline that
I read in a book about the peroration of a judge, who for an inquired
colleague, underlined that he had a family, children.... I wonder if Tiberti
made such a consideration as he defamed a person with the purpose of
carrying out his plan. This is the conclusive aspect of compulsion for the
pleasure of having power and revenge for having rebelled against falsehood.
This fact should make one think about all used proceedings, about
Institutions which are without any control, about the certainty of remaining
unpunished in front of any perpetrated defalcation. It’s a sort of violence
against somebody; I’m talking about a psychical violence used to have power
and authority, helped by institutions. According to the tradition of the ”habeas
corpus” in the XVI century in England, which wants absolutely and with
every means a guilty person. As Beccaria’s theorem says, even through
falsehood, you are “guilty”.