As regards the friends, any reference to “fairweatherfriends” ,
is absolutely true ; this event has divided the chaff from the grain !
To discover how many false and convenient friendships I had around me.
But again according to a Bible verse : "A friend in need is a
friend indeed" and I found many of them during those long tragic
- A special thank you to my great friend Paul Louis AUREGLIA, from
August 1982 a real friend and Alessandra, for their presence close to me
: they knew perfectly well what others were planning against me.
- To my dearest friend "Quirite" Mario Piersigilli, General
Consul in Monaco, an incomparable person for his faithful actions.
- Always present close to me Nathalie Aureglia and Enrico Caruso, who
were the first ones to embrace me when, for the first time, I was on two
days’ leave.
- The eternal friends
: Boisson Cristhian ; Bonetti Marco, Capitini Marco; Gaia Luciana, the
dear Giselle Treves thanks to Maat who joined us deeply; Max and
Miranda, whose flowers I deeply missed ; Giuseppe e Patrizia Rossino,
with their joyfulness and sympathy ; Orijomi Abimbola, known as Bimbo,
for his unique loyalty and friendship; Jacopo and Monica of the Old
Florence, I always remembered their particular dishes during the
suffered hungry months ; to my dear friend Angelo of the Sans Souci, but
unfortunately I couldn’t taste that famous "truffle"..; Rosaria of
ROSACHI who greatly helped my wife ; Giselle Gerosa who, through her
wonderful letters, was able to give a ray of sunlight ;
- To dear friend Monica Bellucci, the first "friendly" voice I heard on
15 November 2003, an incomparable friendship ;
- to dear Matteo Pauletta e David Brown, who always believed in my
honesty ;
- To my friends in Rome and my "committee" : Mario e Candida Carletti and their
sons Enrico and Michele, their wives and their friend Mario, who helped
me during my transfers ; dear cousin Mauro and his wife Brigida, the
boys of the "Squadra" , really invaluable.
- To my professional friends ,
who always believed in
my professional honesty : lawyer De Martino Valerio, lawyer Brendolan
Stefano, lawyer Liguori Luigi, Dr. Bertoli Giuseppe, Dr. Giuseppe
Guastella ; lawyer Longo Fabio, accountant Magnarelli Fausto and Rizzola
Antonio, lawyer Alberti Renato, Senior Ambassador Scharoos Assasi ; Dr.
Bellatalla Mauro, lawyer Borga Fabrizio; dr. Serena Massimo, dr.
Squarciafici Fiorenzo, Burlando Maurizio, Rocchi Valerio, Angelo
Zomegnan and many others.
- To the clients who are also "friends", particularly thanks to Ivano Fanini,
for his calls which always remain in my heart and for all the magazines
and newspapers useful to me to be well-informed about cycling circles ;
Luca Caratti, Bove Giuseppe, the brothers Garrè Ferdinando, Ernesto, and
many others.
- A special thank you to the journalists : Ilio Masprone, Gavino
Giulio and Fulvio Lanteri ,who had the courage to write the "truth
" ; thank you also to the "European hack writers"
for having done free publicity.
- Thank you to the French President J. Chirac, if nothing else, he
gave me an answer!
- My deepest gratitude to Honorable Katia BELLILLO, the only voice
in the ear-splitting silence of the Italian politicians and institutions.
- A special thank you also to those who, in the "hotels" in :
Monaco, Nice and Tarascon, demonstrated that they were truly
professional, particularly in Monaco : the ex Dir. Marson C. ,
Dir. Zabaldano C., Alain, the perfect chirurgeon, Mr. Prevost for his
portable computer (my computer was always denied me ) ; in Nice :
the social worker Stocker A. and Mrs. Tordo C. ; in Tarascon :
the social worker Legouge, Mr. Garnier A. and the teachers Nari, Liabeuf,
Gaio, Has, a special thank you to Olivier and Marianne of the hotel
VIADUC for their kindness.
I conclude
saying: the fact that I had been condemned and my detention, whether
innocent or guilty , breaks up a series of values. The only person, who
shares the anguish with you, is your wife, who is a partner and a friend
for your whole life; she is the person who knows the truth. She is the
person who, with our dogs Kikka and Minnie, suffered infinitely, from
the moment we lost our home, asking for help to survive, wandering for
long months until the moment we met each other again. My son Paolo was
obliged to start everything again in Italy because of all the oppression
he had suffered. My son Enzi, who was the only one who remained with his
letters and calls, my brother-in-law Riccardo and my sister-in-law Bruna
and the nieces Federica and Francesca, who lived all the suffered
From the TALMUD an old teaching: a single man’s life has the same
value as the world. I can say that my life had no importance for
some people