For evident reasons , but not for privacy, I will omit the names, but I leave this pamphlet to those people who, reading between the lines, will understand who I am referring to.
It’s a sort of medieval pillory to those figures who exploited the events, helped by rascals, in the hope of doing the business of their lives. Time will tell.
Here is the list of the unnamed people :
- in the cycling world , several "Team managers" and circlers made a real escape but not a sporting one. Only a few of them proved to be honourable people and to have high moral values , I ‘d like to mention Angelo Zomegnan, Ivano Fanini, Eugenio Capodacqua. The others forgot that they had obtained fiscal and economical advantages over many years, and that they had obtained residence in Montecarlo , and disappeared . When I got in touch with some of them, they told stories worthy of a theatrical play : they escaped and the English companies had been dissolved for bankruptcy. All this had been intentionally spread about to gain the clients. I got back the historical paper files which had been removed from their holder and thrown helter-skelter into boxes ( who knows why). For some of them I continued the activity even though I found apocryphal signatures in various letters and fax. It’s obvious that, to act in this way, they were afraid of something or they had some particular motive. - Some business consultants and lawyers recovered their clients deviating them to other seats and offices. Obviously they didn’t pay any fees and when I got in touch with them, they denied everything or gave laughable excuses. They were really deontology and unethical champions. - Italian entrepreneurs, with residency in Italy and in Monaco, involved in activities related to shipping, plant designing, oil and related products, commerce, real estate, import – export, jewellery, modelling agencies and insurance : they all disappeared thanks to complicity and/or bad faith. They left only documents, contacts and certificates . They really were the most curious figures of the story. As if this is not enough, those who seemed to be friends, whether clients or professionals, revealed themselves as the worst ones . They sent notification for proxy revocation, asked for a percentage on the sums recovered and claimed inexistent credits . I was not reduced to poverty even through their meanness, but on the contrary, if they should meet me, they should hang their heads in shame because of their cowardliness, and for having exploited someone that couldn’t defend himself.
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