Chapter VIII - Italian and foreign intuitional unit and the media

It’s obvious that when faced with such a case of "ill justice" one spontaneously asks for help in knowing people and structures: the first one "absolutely" came from the General Italian Consulate in Monaco, and more precisely the Consul Mario PIERSIGILLI. His efforts were priceless, powerless in front of the planned transgressions, but he was the first person who helped my family which remained without money because of the frozen accounts, through abuse and oppression which continued for years.
Working together, close relatives, friends and professionals, formed a support committee to announce the case. It was well underlined that the purpose was not to obtain economical help, but only moral support and if possible to get mediation; they wrote to the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio CIAMPI, who maybe would have answered more easily to a" stateless person", than to an Italian citizen, whose ancestors had built the Italian Risorgimento (in Trento, the castle of Buonconsiglio, the four Iagher brothers). I had even the doubt that I was Italian. Maybe some zealous "office" threw away the letters as considered not being worthy of getting an answer. The only person who emerged, was the Deputy Katia BELLILLO. I will always esteem her for her intervention in Parliament, expecting a written answer. She was the only one who defended an Italian. Only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered through the Undersecretary Roberto ANTONIONE. His answer was despicable, not conforming to the existing facts, really ridiculous. And let’s not talk about the Minister Mirko TREMAGLIA, who represented Italians abroad. There are no words to define his total absence and institutional deficiency for Italian "prisoners" abroad. Only the Deputy Vittorio Sgarbi, proved to have a very efficient secretariat, which answered. We received no answers from anybody else, particularly from the C.D.U., with which I cooperated, not even written support!. Maybe the "gossip" about a political veto towards me, was true.
The Presidency of the French Republic, differently from the Italian one, answered through written communication. One of the secretaries gave us explanations and in a very affectionate way she defined the situation as a "sad matter". She underlined that unfortunately in that country such matters had already happened! My good fortune was that they were French magistrates in Monaco. At the same time even the Ministry of Justice and the French Superior Council had been contacted, sending to them the copy of the denunciations against the judge, and obviously the defense of"casta" has hidden such letters.
Several letters had been sent to Prince Ranieri, but without receiving any answer, one letter had even been returned to the sender with the seal "refused", it was really a very efficient of the secretariat to "suppress" undesired correspondence.
In the same way the letters which had been sent to P. Davost and to D. Serdet, didn’t get any answer.
Considering all the transgressions of the Treaty of Civil and Political Rights, the United Nations Organization and the Amnesty International had been contacted. They gave advice and useful juridical documents, but were disappointed by the "dullness" of the French magistrates.
For the detention conditions, the Red Cross had been contacted, but as I was not a crowd exterminator like Saddam Hussein, my case didn’t belong to their competences, to obtain their help.
The Italian press, including newspapers and magazines, the most of journalists, as praxis, used the case to "splash the monster all over the front page" showing fanciful statements and laughable habits. Even though the charge of recycling had been dismissed on 15 May 2002, on the condition of “ no grounds for proceeding”, they continued to write: "involved in recycling operations ";  during those years only three journalists were serious, Ilio Masprone of the “ Foglio Italiano”, Giulio Gavino of the  “Stampa” and Fulvio Lanteri of the “ Secolo XIX”, who had the courage to write the truth of the facts. Many others, whom I knew, kept their distance or were honest enough to tell me that they couldn’t do anything. Of the French press, with the exception of Jean Paul Franzos of the “ NICE MATIN” , who knew the phases of the matter and wrote the truth of the facts, the others decorated the facts in a very glamorous way, and I was impressed by the “ Figaro”, which wrote about the Verbal Trials only two days after my detention. The judicial secret in Monaco was maybe an optional!