Even if everything was cleared since May 2001, the Judge Narmino P. defined the debt plan on the 28 November 2003. He pointed out that such plan was a perfect mixture between the Cabinet , the handling Company and the Fiduciary Company. The real situation of the Cabinet was that it had to face the invoices for the suppliers and the payments for the employers: some of them tried to gain profits from the situation, except some of them who didn’t cash money not designated to them. The invoices to cash consisted of a credit over one million French francs and the rest was already on other accounts which had nothing to do with the Cabinet. Infact the accounts weren’t registered in the name of the Cabinet but in the name of the Companies for which I could fully stand proxy to run the activities of the clients.
From the total amount of 7.457.543,72 French francs, a result of insinuations, the total amount between the Cabinet and the foreign Companies was of 1.844.429, 93 French francs. Such data's were of course proved by documentation. The difference was due to the efforts of the swindlers for requested sums amended in the bank documentation.
Such prospects showed the precise situations about the clients, the suppliers and the severance pays of the employees, but some of them were really particular because had nothing to do with the Cabinet.
Some examples :
- Monica BELLUCCI, the only one superlative person for seriousness and honesty, even if somebody tried to convince her to denounce me for defalcation and/or fraud. In the proceeding with F. Castellino the Judge Hullin, not yet satisfied, declared dishonestly that Mrs. Bellucci brought the charge against me. On the contrary she got all due to her until the last centesimal.
- Megan GALE, even if already settled in March 2004, her position was resolved in November 2004. This happened because of huge mistakes and a deep ignorance with the subject.
- Ltd E.P.S.I. of B. Reverberi : this position was the most ridiculous and incomprehensible one . It was the only English Company whose banking account at the Credit Foncier in Monaco was not freezed, why? Furthermore as consequence of the deep ignorance with the subject, it was for sure that such company had a banking guarantee in favour of the U.C.I., a current account in one’s name and in the strongbox of the office there was an envelope containing sufficient cash for the several racers and personal cash. Well, it was put in the debts of the Cabinet ! There are not really words for such ignorance and bad faith. The more ridiculous thing was that the over mentioned funds at the Credit Foncier in Monaco, weren’t taken and it’s obvious that in front of such mistake the position was removed.
- Ltd BF Sport International of Fabio Bordonali, who claimed the sum of 68.602,86 French francs from the debts of the Cabinet. But he forgot that, thanks to a mendacious employer, having already got the due money at the BNL in London and Monaco, was it maybe an oversight?
- The Fiduciary position GIUBILEO : a group of Italian entrepreneurs had set up a fiduciary fund managed by the IF Fiduciary in London, so there was nothing to do with the Cabinet. Every position was inscribed and proved through an identification paper of the owner on headed letter-paper. Well, it was put in the debts of the Cabinet!
- Marco ZANOTTI, the only professional racer whose account I had the proxy. For three years his account and consequently the salaries were freezed as defended by somebody incapable.
- Maria Grazia CUCINOTTA: whose position was very perplexed for bad faith, and bad advice. Through the consult of a lawyer she claimed from the debts the sum of about Euro 372.592,41 showing some counts and agreements that didn’t exist. It would have been sufficient to examine the previous one in the past years.
As somebody had gone to London to take the funds in a first moment the sum was reduced to Euro 51.494,37 and then to Euro 82.169,93. So the presumed request was reduced of Euro 238.928,11 against the real Euro 90.000 already cashed since the 11 July 2003. Furthermore I discovered an apocryphal signature in a certificate company when I went to London on the 11 March 2004. I was really aghast for such behaviour caused by outside people! When she talked with her adviser in Rom, the situation was defined in the precise due sum.
- The Layer Patricia COHEN had tried to get fees. I made appeal that I won giving a copy of the verdict which was curiously forgotten and defined in its amount when again emerged.
- Ltd INTERTRUST and Ltd STERN AND COMPANY. This position was cleared on the 11 March 2004 in London. It was a clear subrogation of the clients’ invoices forward the Cabinet which concluded in clasp hands as normally happens between gentlemen, carrying on the business relationships.
The conclusion of all positions was that with the 25 October 2004 verdict, the Judge P. Narmino approved the payment of the 50% and the payment in full on the 5 July 2006. To everybody was given what due!