The following are excerpts that appeared in the “ Journal de Monaco” with a short summary of the object :
7501-29/06/01 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Designation NARMINO, the presiding judge “ de Première Instance”, in the role of judge and Designation of Andrè GARINO as liquidator.
7503-13/07/01 * Cessation des Paiements de M. Francesco IAGHER ayant exercè le commerce sous l’enseigne : “Cabinet Dr. Francesco Iagher" ; communication to the creditors to claim the debt amount.
7520-09/11/01 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * The recovery of the “remains” of the “Cabinet Dr. Francesco Iagher.
7526-21/12/01 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * First postponement for analysis of creditors to 22 April 2002.
7544-26/04/02 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Second postponement to 22 October 2002.
7551-14/06/02 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Declaration of state “ de cessation des paiements” that is, forced liquidation, as consequence of verdict on 21 June 2001 , confirmed through Superior Court verdict on 30 October 2001.
7571-01/11/02 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Third postponement to 22 April 2003.
7598-09/05/03 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Fourth postponement to 23 July 2003.
7608-18/07/03 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Fifth postponement to 23 October 2003.
7624-07/11/03 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * For possible complaints about claimed credits.
7627-28/11/03 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Confirmation of debt state at Euro 1,844,429.93, by reservation of the amounts not yet paid, and admission of claims by : Monica BELLUCCI, Maria Grazia CUCINOTTA, Megan GALE, Augusto DI FANI, Judge Patricia COHEN, E.P.S.I. Ltd of Bruno REVERBERI, Sergio GRIMALDI and INTERTRUST, the group GRADI, Marco Zanotti and STERN and COMPANY Ltd .
7644-26/03/04 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Refusal of Sergio Grimaldi’s claim.
7644-26/03/04 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT *Authorization of handwriting identification with charges paid by Augusto DI FANI.
7675-29/10/04 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Authorization to liquidator to proceed for the whole payment of preferential claims , according to the attached chart and to the payment of the chirographers claims at 50% of amount admitted in debt.
7764-14/07/06 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT *Authorization to liquidator regarding taxes and fees.
7764-14/07/06 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Whole payment to creditors !
7769-18/08/06 * GREFFE GENERAL EXTRAIT * Verdict which declares that there is no bankruptcy for settlement of debt!!!
"Par jugement en date de ce jour, le Tribunal de Première Instance a prononcé, avec toutes conséquences de droit, la clôture pour extinction du passif de la procédure de liquidation des biens ouverte à l'encontre de Francesco IAGHER, ayant exercé sous l'enseigne "Cabinet Dr IAGHER Pour extrait conforme délivré en application de l'article 415 du Code de commerce ; Fait à Monaco, le 8 août 2006.!"
Obviously, to have good publicity, everything will be published on the internet