My formal and substantial praise of Judge Commissary Philippe NARMINO  who was the only supporting figure at a “ right trial “ ; the only worthy Judge of deep legal knowledge . In the first trial step I lodged Italian documentation which he accepted and had translated. Such proceeding actually didn’t match with the normal commercial laws ; in fact for a professional activity it was applied the rule of a commercial activity ; such anomaly raised many doubts confirmed by French judges and  in Monaco.
Before dealing the trial steps I must fix some premises  to understand how the matter coming from the employees  , timely suborned, who asked  the insolvency condition because the salaries of March mysteriously hadn’t been paid giving to the Bank my supposed unrecognizable signature . In order :
-        After 14 April the zealous employees had given each account elements to the Cabinet Garino planning the plunder and the degradation of the Cabinet.
-        Although in “active” balance on 21st  June 2001 the Court in the first instance, as amply proved, declared  “Insolvency“ thanks to the freeze on the bank accounts as it was falsely declared that they held funds relevant to the "Banca di Roma"  fraud .
-        Each official and administrative item was openly available.
-        On the 24 May 2001 the lawyer P. Cohen  wrote to the payer Mr. Garino (judicial liquidator) , giving each element of the “active” , never considered, and asking the reduction of the staff charges, but the obtained  answer confirmed the doubts. 
-        On the 6th  July 2001 the lawyer P. Cohen  elucidated all points of the matter and the developments giving all account elements of the direction explaining that such proceeding was baseless.
-         The publication on 13 July 2001, having  requested passive debts for suppliers and others agreed, with the accounts which had been continuing without a legal warden since 14 April 2001, thus allowing for the looting of the Cabinet.
-        After my repeated requests I managed to meet  with Mr. A. Garino and the lawyer JM. Bertozzi , for the examination of same files, several colossal mistakes emerged and I asked to be able to analyse the documentation.
-        On 26 November 2001 I wrote to Mr. P. Davost,  the person in charge at the  Judicial Authority in Monaco, but  I was denied the means of proving the truth , such as with documents and portable PC . I was only given a verbal answer in a corridor by a third party who omitted to write the answer down in order to avoid giving proof of the violation of my right to defence .
-        On 30 November 2001, with the support of my lawyer,  I asked for a meeting for clarification but I did not receive an answer.
     Following this preamble, it must be underlined that thanks to the unfair action of the preliminary inquiry and  the abuse , everybody was sure of my insolvency . On  17 January 2002 I received the above mentioned “ declaration” of insolvency and the liquidator A. Garino, defended by lawyer C. Pasquier Ciulla , summoned me to appear at the Tribunal on  24 January 2002, thus not allowing me any means of defending myself. After reading the “declaration” I had the confirmation that none of the evidential elements had been considered , but that everything was based on statements which had not been verified. The figures shown were completely out of the context of the accounts. In fact unfounded figures and fraud attempts  were included in the balance in red. Even though it was meaningless I prepared the defense indictment which was registered in Italian and accepted by Judge Narmino.
Although every element was exhaustive and every economic movement was fully examined,  in spite of  the accounts freeze about which  Mr Garino wrote to Judge Hullin four times without getting  an answer, the verdict was reached . And nothing was done to get back the assets side which were not considered. But this time the law was totally observed, my notes and the defence were accepted. Until 17 January 2002 the deficit hadn't been verified and the mentioned numbers were completely wrong . But I couldn’t prove anything because of  the “denial” of means and documents. In the context of the verdict my formal protest was clearly reproduced, but I thought it was excessive to ask  for an agreement as the activity and my family were economically killed that it was impossible to face daily expenses . As it happened the Court of 30 October 2001, in a dissertation which was perplexing in its contents. The "Calvary" of the adjournments began with this verdict. In November 2003 the balance in red was confirmed for the amount of Euro 1,844,429.93 compared to the Euro 4,612,736.31 mentioned in the verdict. But it was not enough: the frauds of F. Castellino and of A. Di Fani and many other mistakes were resolved only in 18 June 2006 !