• Chapter 02 – I throw back question of provisional liberty of June 22 nd 2001


    "Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret" F. Bacon
    Usual habitual phrases, continuously repeated, to have seriously disturbed law and order! Several investigations are on progress and the exact importance of offences is unknown. I feigned to remembering nothing, and then refused to answer seriously the given questions .New interrogations would have been fixed on 26 June 2001 and keeping the date of detention was the only mean of preserving proof and avoiding fraud collusion with co-defendants or others against the probable pressure towards banks and witnesses, and being Italian, he was tempted to escape his country of origin to avoid the actions of justice.
    The Rogatory on 10 June 2001 in Rome was the confirmation of FORGERIES
    I had already been interrogated on 16 May 2001, after 42 days in detention!
    I answered the questions very precisely in front of four lawyers, P. Cohen, M. Cardix, P. Piano and M. Mascia. From this interrogation the symptoms of ideological falsehoods emerged. I had already declared that I didn’t know Mario Testa , but a very particular way of this judge who asked if my lawyers were also Testa’s lawyer.
    Lawyer Mascia’s answer determined the limits of behaviour and professional deontology.
    It was underlined that documentation which was in the office archives was  “openly available”!
    So in a much ascertained way, I just confirmed the documental and factual truth against manipulation, omissions and mistakes made during investigations.