Internationals rogatories of judge HULLIN J.C.


In the typical style of the Middle Ages inquisition to look for guilty parties by every means, he made five international rogatories be executed:

ROME (Italy)  for the affair Banca di Roma, Mario Testa and others
PARIS (France) for the affair TAILLEUR Industrie
VIENNE (France) for the affair Deverini Alain
RomE (Italy) for the affair Prof. Dr. Catone Gianpiero
Lugano (SUISSE) for the affair Castellino Francesco and judicial liquidation of the office.

All of them concluded with nothing done, in none of them it was my personal involvement found or charges made !


Particularly, the second inquiry through the rogatory in Switzerland, even if defined on 8 August 2007 according to civil law, as bankruptcy didn’t exist. On 29 August 2007 after one year, it was concluded for “no grounds for proceeding because the fact doesn’t exist”.