Chapter 05 – I throw back question of provisional liberty of January 16 th 2002

"Epistula non erubescit"


This time one page of repetitions as motivations for refused :
Waiting for the facts which are particularly serious, at least “half –a-dozen” judicial investigations about clients in Monaco have been listed.
Recycling repetition
Repetition of law and order disturbing also abroad
Repetition of fraud planning with complicies and proof destroying
Complaints repetition by clients who had been robbed of their possessions
Again that :
Investigation was going to be closed and investigations were urgent and it was necessary to know that the involved person couldn’t interfere with investigations.
After detention he transferred great sums of money to Lugano, Switzerland. This was the proof that he wanted to leave the Principality, everything proved by son’s letters addressed to some clients to transfer the activities to other parts of Europe. 

The lawyers and I were perplexed to understand who were that “at least half-a-dozen” (a new juridical word, see: eggs) clients and proceeding by elimination: Clemente, Deverini, Mangione, Catone, others? We never knew ! The first demonstration was that inquiry was going to be closed but disprove by renewals until 29 March 2002, THE SAME LYING. The important transfers and escape from the Principality were laughable reasons ! If he had read the transfer receipts at the Monte Paschi, the real dates would have been reported. The only personal transfer had been done at U.B.S. in Lugano on 20 March 2001 and not after 3 April 2001. The other transfer of the IF FIDUCIARY Ltd had been made on 30 March 2001 and it was not personal. Always lying! About my son’s mail, the reason was only to say to communicate to the clients to be in touch with the seat in London to give clarification about what was happening. The main activity was in London, the office in Monaco was only a point, but his mental contortions gave another interpretation.